2015 National Program

Download the 2015 Program


Day One: Thursday, March 19, 2015

0645-0745 Continental Breakfast and Registration
0745-0800 Welcome – Katherine Brown-Saltzman, MA, RN
001 0800-0930 Keynote: Gitte Hanssen Koksvik, MAGiving Voice to the Unexpressive Patient 1.5
024 0930-1000 Break and Poster Session 1.0 (total)
002 1000-1115 Plenary: Jennifer Bartlett, PhD, RN-BC, CNE & Katherine Brown-Saltzman, MA, RNA Blessing or a Curse: The Mythology of Advance Directives 1.25
003 1115-1230 Case Discussion 1.25
1230-1330 Lunch
004 1330-1515 Gitte Hanssen Koksvik, MAPromoting the Dignity and Integrity of Vulnerable Patients: Engaged Proximity or Respectful Distance 1.75
005 Vivian Norman, MSN, RN, CCRNImproving the End of Life Experience in Critical Care
006 Anne Basting, PhD & Elissa Brown, MSN, RN, PMHCNS-BCConnecting Through Creativity
007 Mary Walton, MSN, MBE, RNCan I Hear You? Strategies for Improving Communication When Language Preferences or Ability to Vocalize Present Challenges at the Bedside
008 James Hynds, PhD, LL.B., MThBeing Competent About Capacity
009 Joan Henriksen-Hellyer, PhD, RN & Theresa Drought, PhD, RNSounds of Silence: Knowing When and How to Speak Up
010 Douglas Olsen, PhD, RNAdvance Directives for Psychiatric Treatment: Clinical Usage and Ethically-relevant Differences with EOL Treatment
024 1515-1545 Break and Poster Session 1.0 (total)
011 1545-1700 Closing: Anne Basting, PhDVoices of Memory Loss 1.25

Day Two: Friday, March 20, 2014

024 0645-0745 Continental Breakfast, Registration, and Poster Session 1.0 (total)
012 0700-0745 Presentation: Donna Casey BSN, MA, RN, FABC, NE-BCNurses’ Moral Obligations When Caring for Patients with Ebola 0.75
0745-0800 Welcome – Katherine Brown-Saltzman, MA, RN
013 0800-0915 Keynote: Mary Koloroutis, MA, RNHealth Care Harm: The Casual Diminishment of a Human Being 1.25
024 0915-0945 Break and Poster Session 1.0 (total)
014 0945-1100 Plenary: Timothy Godfrey, SJ, DNP, RN, PHCNS-BCComing Home: The Revised Code of Ethics for Nurses 1.25
024 1100-1115 Break and Poster Session 1.0 (total)
015 1115-1215 Case Discussion 1.0
1215-1315 Lunch
016 1315-1500 Jennifer Bartlett, PhD, RN-BC, CNEThe Conversation: My Gift of Grace 1.75
017 Timothy Godfrey, SJ, DNP, RN, PHCNS-BCLabeling and Paternalism: The Challenges of Caring for Vulnerable Populations
018 Mary Koloroutis, MA, RN & Michael Trout, MASee Me as a Person
019 Heather Fitzgerald, MS, BSN, RN & Marilyn Shirk, MN, RN, CNS-BCPanel: Karen Jones, MS, BSN, RNC-NIC, Charlotte Lawson, MS, BSN, RN, Lori Mountain, RN-BC, CHPN, Sophia Telfer, BSN, RN-BC, PCCNEthics Champions: Engaging Colleagues for Conversation, Education & Advocacy
020 Brenda Barnum, MA, BSN, RNWidening Our Ethical Gaze: Seeing the Big Picture for Little Patients
021 Carol Taylor, PhD, MSN, BSNEmerging Ethical Challenges in Palliative Care
022 Donna McKlindon, MSN, RN, PMHCNS-BC, Anna Dermenchyan, BSN, RN, CCRN-CSC, & Kathy DuBois, MSN, RN-BCCommunicating Effectively and Ethically Through Social Media
1500-1515 Break
023 1515-1630 Closing: Michael Trout, MAIs Attunement An Ethical Issue? 1.25
1630-1645 Evaluations