Nursing Ethics Awards

While ethics has always been foundational to nursing’s practice it has rarely provided formal recognition to those outstanding individuals who have integrated ethics into their practice and work, whether in clinical, academic, or administrative roles.

The American Society for Bioethics and Humanities Nursing Affinity Group began to recognize a several nursing leaders over time, yet it was not formalized as an ongoing practice. In 2016, the Ethics of Caring board identified a need for this acknowledgement and awareness of this vital aspect of nursing practice, especially as a stimulus to create the next generation of nurses committed to inspiring ethics knowledge and skills. The first Ethics of Caring National Nursing Ethics Leadership Award was conferred in 2017.

This year the American Nurses Association and Daisy® Foundation have united in honoring both clinical nurses and nurse leaders whose leadership, compassion and clinical practice demonstrate the importance of human values and ethics in nursing.

The Ethics of Caring Award along with the inaugural ANA and Daisy® Foundation award will be presented at the at the National Nursing Ethics Conference, to be held on April 4 and 5, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. Please join us in honoring these inspirational individuals.