2025 National Planning Committee
- Co-chair – *Katherine Brown-Saltzman MA, RN, President, Ethics of Caring, UCLA Health System (Retired)
- Co-chair – Angela (Angie) Knackstedt, BSN, RN, NPD-BC, Children’s Mercy Kansas City
- Co-chair – Erin Marturano, MBE, MSN, RN, HEC-C, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
- *Brenda Barnum, MA(Bioethics), BSN, RNC-NIC, HEC-C, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
- Elizabeth Bertolini, MMH, RN, HEC-C, CHPN, Morristown Medical Center (Retired)
- *Elissa Brown MSN, RN, PMHCNS-BC, FCNS, Greater Los Angeles VA (Retired)
- Nancy Jo Bush, DNP, MA, RN, AOCN, FAAN, UCLA School of Nursing
- Brian P. Cyr, MSN, RN-BC, Massachusetts General Hospital
- Sarah Delgado, DNP, RN, ACNP, American Association of Critical Care Nurses
- *Anna Dermenchyan, PhD, RN, CCRN, CPHQ, UCLA Department of Medicine
- Kathy DuBois MSN, RN, NPD-C., Children’s National Hospital
- Paula Goodman-Crews, MSW, LCSW, HEC-C, Kaiser Permanente
- *Linda Gorman MN, RN, PMHCNS-BC. FPCN, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (Retired)
- Karen Jones MS, RN, HEC-C, Children’s Hospital Colorado
- Beth Kohlberg, MSHCE, BSN, RN, HEC-C, St Louis Children’s Hospital
- Kellie Lang, JD, RN, Kaiser Permanente South Bay Medical Center
- Ellen M. Robinson RN, PhD, HEC-C, FAAN, Massachusetts General Hospital
- Carol Taylor, PhD, MSN, RN, FAAN, Georgetown University
- Ian Wolfe, PhD, MA, RN, HEC-C, Children’s Minnesota
*Long-standing member of the Ethics of Caring Committee