Ann Hamric Memorial Scholarships
for Graduate Students in Nursing and/or Bioethics
The National Nursing Ethics Conference is grateful for Ann Hamric’s many contributions to the nursing profession and ethics. Her impact on Ethics of Caring and the National Nursing Ethics Conference has been meaningful and significant, and her family followed in her footsteps of supporting scholarships to the NNEC by establishing these scholarships in her memory.
Andrew Jameton Scholarship
NNEC Scholarships
Carol Taylor Awards
Connie Ulrich Award
Ethics of Caring® NNEC Scholarships
ANA Ethics Education Scholarship
The ANA Ethics Education Scholarship for Emerging Nurse Leaders
Hospice and Palliative Nurses Foundation (HPNF) NNEC Scholarship

The Cheryl Lew MD NNEC Scholarship for Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
Alana Altamirano, RN
Fitzgerald Foundation Stanford Children’s Health Scholarship
Esther Ammon, LCSW, APHSW-C
Akilah Burford, MSW
Valerie Hansen, BSN, RN
Glyna Lara, BSN, RNC-MNN
How You Can Contribute
All donations to Ethics of Caring, a nonprofit organization, are tax-deductible
to the extent allowed by law.
Contact Ethics of Caring
Donations for any existing or new scholarship accepted by check
to Ethics of Caring, PO Box 7847, Ventura, CA, 93006
Ann Hamric Memorial NNEC Scholarship Fund
The National Nursing Ethics Conference is grateful for Ann Hamric’s many contributions to the nursing profession and ethics. Her impact on Ethics of Caring and the National Nursing Ethics Conference has been meaningful and significant. Her family and colleagues have invited us to honor Ann through memorial donations to the Ann Hamric Memorial NNEC Scholarship Fund, extending her practice and legacy of providing scholarships to help create the next generation of nursing ethics leaders. To make a donation, visit: Ann Hamric Memorial NNEC Scholarship Fund
Andrew Jameton Scholarship
In 2023 the National Nursing Ethics Conference (NNEC) gave its Nursing Ethics Leadership Award posthumously to Dr. Andrew Jameton. While Dr. Jameton was not a nurse, his identification of moral distress and his writing about the phenomenon created a breakthrough and comprehension of the implications it had for health care, and nurses, in particular. In recognition of his groundbreaking work in understanding moral distress, scholarships in his name are available to cover registration for the 2024 NNEC. We are grateful to his family for donating the award to the scholarship fund and to colleagues and friends who have donated in his memory.